Saturday, August 16, 2008

To Steam or Not to Steam: That is the Question

Well, I have a quick answer here. In spite of all our best girl advice and experience, the answer is: No Steaming!

Most people use steam temperatures too high and steam for too long. This is seriously damaging and promotes even drier skin. Consequently, you are, in fact, burning your facial skin! The most you need to do is take a nice warm water to your face -- which is what you do anyway when you cleanse. Just by cleaning and exfoliating twice a week is equal to the weekly facial steam!

For the last word, here's what a dermatologist has to say (via a Clarins press release). According to Lionel De Benetti, Clarins Global Director of Research and Development, to improve your skin (besides using Clarins products):

Schedule regular facial treatments for yourself that do not include the use of steam and extractions.

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