Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One thing I do know about anti-aging! If you smoke - STOP.

If sun damage is the number one cause of faster facial aging, then number two is smoking. Smoking, alone, will age your facial skin by 10 to 15 years. And that's not all. "Smoker's face" is a term used in a mid-1960s health study to describe gray, pale and wrinkled skin of those people who smoke regularly. Is this what you want?

And in case you are wondering what exactly smoking does to cause your skin to age faster, read on:

1. First of all, smoking prevents oxygen and necessary nutrients to get to the skin by restricting blood flow.

2. Vitamin C absorption is inhibited by smoking, and vitamin C is known to be vital for skin protection. That's why I recommend application of vitamin C via facial products on a daily basis.

3. Smoking accelerates the loss of collagen in your skin. We all lose collagen as we age, but we don't need to rapidly accelerate this natural process.

4. Smoking creates wrinkles. Just like my recommendation to "sleep on your back" and "don't pull eyes to apply make-up," -- again imagine what the continual lip puckering to inhale deeply does -- yes, it produces earlier and deeper wrinkles around your mouth.

The biggest favor you can do for yourself to prevent early aging is to minimize whatever damage is caused externally (sun, smoke, pollution, unnecessary pulling and crushing of your skin) and to replenish internally (proper nutrition, adequate vitamins, and most important, a self loving attitude).

Smoking causes much more damage, but I'm just focusing this post on what it does to your skin.

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