Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What I accidentally learned about anti-aging.

People are constantly amazed to learn that I am 56 years old and ask me my secrets. In speaking with physicians and anti-aging researchers, I know that genetics plays a huge role in how your face ages. So my first answer usually is, "I got good genes." But I also discovered many preventive measures -- accidentally. Some you know because we have all hear them, and some are not. (PS: I will do an interview with a genetic researcher so we can all learn more about how much impact genetics really has.)

Here are my top ten tips that I observed when I was in my teens, 20s and 30s.

1. Stay out of the Sun. You have heard this time and time again. I'm proof that it is true. I started ballet when I was three years and was good enough to perform from the age of five until my mid-20s. As a child, as a teen and as a woman, I was inside, in classes, rehearsals or performing. I did not have time to play in the sun, tan in the sun or any fun in the sun. I adored my ballet and did not miss being outside -- and now I adore that I have practically no facial sun damage now.

2. Wear Sunblock, Wear Sun Hats. And let me add, wear sunblock on your hands too because the real first aging giveaway is your hands. Keep them as protected as your face. So if you must have your fun in the sun, apply sunblock daily and reapply. And another tip: When driving, consider wearing gloves while you are driving, I have read that the left hand can look older and it's because of the sun coming in the window while you are driving

3. Sleep on your back. Just do it, just learn to sleep on your back. You sleep between 7-9 hours a day and imagine if your face is being crushed like that! Dermatologists have told they can tell what side of your face you sleep on -- just by them looking at you!

4. Don't pull at your eyes while putting on makeup. This is my best advise for teens -- and perhaps the equivalent of "sleep on your back" for eyes. But again, imagine pulling the gentle skin tissue out of shape every day for years!

5. Less make-up. I believe that regular wearing of medium to heavy make-up damages your skin. Unless you have an impeccable cleaning routine, try to wear less. By the way, as you age, to look younger you should definitely wear less make up and use lighter colored eye shadow.

6. Let your skin breathe. Take it out of the city where the air is clean. I discovered this when I used to weekend out of the city and in the country.

7. An impeccable care regime. As a performing ballet dancer wearing stage make-up, I picked up the habit of caring intently for my skin. There's tons of information about how-to and which products. By the way, I have used Khielh's for decades and swear by it.

8. Vitamin C. I am a big proponent of using vitamin c products for your face.

9. Get facials. Aside from deep cleaning skin, you also get the benefits of lymphatic drainage, exfoliation, acupressure and aromatherapy. I also recommend oxgyen facials for their repairing effect.

10. Eat healthy. Each of us has a food that doesn't do our face any good at all. Chocolate, sadly, is mine. I always break out if I eat it. It was true as a teen and it's still true today for me. So watch what you eat and it's impact on your skin. As we all know, fruit is a marvelous face food.

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